Prayer Chain
What is an eMail Prayer Chain?
If there is a special need in your life or that of a friend, you can email St Johns at [email protected]. Your prayer request will be acted upon in total confidence. Your petition will be delivered to the prayer chain by email. Each member of the group will pray for the petition and that God’s will be done.
How Does It Work?
The email will come with specific prayer request(s) from other members of the parish or the community. Once a person receives these requests, she/he immediately prays for the petitions. The hope is that by day’s end, all prayer requests will have been prayed over by a significant number of people.
How Can You Be Part of the Prayer Chain?
Prayer works. God listens to our pleas. Your prayers can make a difference in your life and someone elses. If you would like to be a part of a very special ministry, call the parish office and leave your name and phone number (620-421-4540) or contact Mtr Sharon Billman (620-421-5561), [email protected]). You will soon be contacted by a prayer chain member and be put on the email list.