Pastoral Care
We are waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and while we wait we are caring for one another.
Pastoral Care is the ministry of us all, both clergy and laity, to bring kindness, care, or simply a presence to those in need or joy as we accompany our church family on their individual journeys. Whether you are in need or wish to offer support to others, there is a place for everyone within this broad ministry to serve Christ by responding in love to the needs of our church.
Spend time with those in need of company or celebrate the birth of a child. This ministry has much to offer those in every stage of life.
Pray for one another. We offer many ministries where you may care for another through prayer.
Sometimes you need to have someone hold you up, and sometimes God gives you the ability to hold up your brother and sister. Discover how God is using you to support His children.
Lend a Hand
If you need help, Christ Church wants to help you, but you’ve got to let us know how!
Our mission calls us to be effective as witnesses to the life of Jesus Christ among us and as servants within this community. Christ Church, like other organizations, knows that increasing the health and wellness of its members will lead to better effectiveness in our ability to accomplish our mission.