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A children’s religious education session is done every Sunday of the month at 9:30 a.m. except during the summer. The children gather in the parish hall to learn the Gospel in a age appropriate setting with activites and songs designed to reinforce the lesson of the day. The Children then join the parents for Mass and the remaining full service. New and visiting children are always welcome to join us.

Months that have five Sundays the children attend the full church service on the fifth Sunday with their parents and demonstrate things they have learned in Sunday School including playing of their handbells.

For additional information on Saint John’s Children’s education please contact

We offer Adult Formation study groups at various times during the year.
Team members include:
Vacant[Children’s Education Coordinator
Martha Stone [Adult Education Coordinators]
Vacant [Sunday School Coordinator]
Teachers:  Vacant

The contact number for the Sunday School Coordinator is (620-421-)

Adult Education team members include:
Martha Stone
Mother Sharon Billman